My landlord locked me out
Find what you can do if you got locked out even if you had no intention of moving. #6316EN
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Yes, you should read this if you rent the apartment or house where you live, your landlord changed the locks so you cannot get into your place, and you had no plans to move.
You should also get legal advice right away. See contact information below.
If and when your landlord can ever lock you out of your rental
What you can do if the landlord locks you out
Where to get help
Only if it looks like you have stopped paying the rent and moved out without telling the landlord (called "abandoning" the rental), or a sheriff has executed a court order (called a Writ of Restitution) to evict you.
The landlord cannot change locks, add locks, or keep you from entering the place in any other way. It does not matter if you are behind in rent, utilities, or other fees.
Yes. You can call the clerk of your local Superior Court. Make sure the landlord did not file an eviction lawsuit against you.
If you find out that the landlord did file an eviction lawsuit against you, and you believe the landlord did not serve you with the lawsuit papers, get legal help right away.
You can take the landlord to court. If you show the lockout was illegal, the judge should order the landlord to pay you. Your landlord could be ordered to pay you at least 3 times the rent, or if you were made homeless and lost property, they could be ordered to pay you for your pain and suffering and loss of property.
Our How do I sue in Small Claims Court? packet may help, depending on how much your claim is. But you cannot file a Small Claims case to get a court order allowing you back into the place. If that is what you want, you should talk to a lawyer.
Only to make repairs. The landlord cannot shut off the utilities because you are behind in rent or to make you move.
If the utilities are in the landlord's name, it is illegal for the landlord to stop paying the bills in order to get the service cut off. Read My landlord shut off my utilities! to learn more.
You can take the landlord to court. The judge can award you up to $100 for each day the utilities were off.
The landlord under the sheriff's supervision may move your stuff out if you are not there. No more than 3 days after you get the Writ of Restitution, you can ask the landlord in writing to store your things. Then your landlord must store it all.
The landlord may also have to store your stuff if the landlord knows you have a disability that keeps you from asking the landlord to store your things.
You can object to the landlord storing your things. Then your landlord cannot do it. The landlord will usually put it on the sidewalk or parking strip.
Probably. Usually, you must pay moving and storage costs to get your property back.
The landlord can refuse to return your things until you pay what it cost to move and store them only if the landlord legally removed your things in the first place.
In this case, the landlord's actions were not legal. Write the landlord a letter. Put in your letter, if true, that you have not abandoned the place and, if true, that you plan to keep living there.
Keep a copy of the letter for your records. You can use our sample letter.
Make sure you can prove the landlord got this letter. Bring a witness who is not a household member or send it certified mail return receipt requested and regular mail.
If you do not get your things back after sending the letter, you can call the police, if you feel comfortable talking to law enforcement. If you send a written demand for your things, the landlord must return them.
You can also go to court to force the landlord to give you back your things. If you win, the judge can award you up to $10,000.
Only if you abandoned your place and left your things behind or the landlord evicted you after a Writ of Restitution and you did not ask the landlord in writing to store your things. If you objected to the landlord storing your things, the landlord must place your things on the nearest public property.
If your stuff is worth more than $250, the landlord must send written notice to your last known address 30 days before the sale. If it is worth less than $250, the landlord must send you written notice 7 days before the sale. If your stuff is worth $250 or less, the landlord may sell or get rid of everything but personal papers, family pictures, and keepsakes.
A landlord who earns more from the sale than you owe must hold the difference for you for one year from the date of sale. You can claim the money during that time.
The landlord cannot demand you pay rent owed in exchange for getting back your stuff. But a landlord who sells your things can apply any money from the sale to rent or other costs you owe.
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