Consumer Credit Counseling
Consumer credit counseling can be an alternative to filing for bankruptcy. Learn what a consumer credit counselor can do and how you can find one. #0902EN
Disputing Errors on Your Credit Report
You want your credit report to be accurate because it affects whether you can borrow money — and how much you'll pay — to borrow money. It also may affect getting a job or insurance, or renting a place to live. Find out how to correct the information in your report.
Free Credit Reports
General information about credit reporting agencies, obtaining your free credit report and what you can do to add or change information contained in your credit report.
Prioritizing debt: Which bills do I pay first?
General information about which bills you should pay first when you are having trouble paying all of your debts. #0110EN
Prioritizing debt: Which bills do I pay first?
General information about which bills you should pay first when you are having trouble paying all of your debts. #0110EN
Tenant Screening: Your Rights
If you are looking for an apartment or house to rent, read this to learn about state law regarding tenant screening. #6302EN