Buying a home

Court Forms & Procedure

Other Money Problems

4 Resource(s) Found

How to Format Court Documents

When you give documents to a Washington state court, it is important to format the documents correctly. This document outlines the rules you must follow. #9938EN

How to Write a Demand Letter

Someone owes you money. You bought something that does not work. A service provider did not perform the promised work. If you disagree with an individual or a company, and informal efforts to resolve your dispute fail, you should write a demand letter. #0316EN

Interpreters for People with Limited English Proficiency

Read this if you live in Washington, English is not your first language and you have trouble speaking or understanding English easily. Help may be available. #8902EN

Mediation: Should I use it?

Mediation is an informal way to resolve disputes without going to court. The parties attempt to negotiate a mutually agreeable settlement with the help of a neutral mediator. Mediation can be used in many types of disputes. #3226EN

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