Domestic Violence

Court Forms & Procedure

Other Personal Problems

If you are being hurt, threatened or stalked, try to talk with a domestic violence program. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE. 

For court forms, choose the Court Forms & Procedures tab below.

2 Resource(s) Found

File for a Protection Order

This is a Washington Forms Online interview. Self-help court forms and instructions on LawHelp Interactive to file for a protection order. Completes forms for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, anti-harassment, and vulnerable adult protection orders. (Available in English and Spanish.) #3701EN

File for a Protection Order

This is a Washington Forms Online interview. Self-help court forms and instructions on LawHelp Interactive to file for a protection order. Completes forms for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, anti-harassment, and vulnerable adult protection orders. (Available in English and Spanish.) #3701EN

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