If you are being hurt, threatened or stalked, try to talk with a domestic violence program. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE.
For court forms, choose the Court Forms & Procedures tab below.
File for a Protection Order
This is a Washington Forms Online interview. Self-help court forms and instructions on LawHelp Interactive to file for a protection order. Completes forms for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, anti-harassment, and vulnerable adult protection orders. (Available in English and Spanish.) #3701EN
Tips for phone and video hearings
How to get ready for and conduct yourself during a remote hearing (over the phone or by video-conference). #9961EN
Serve the other party in a family law case
Blank forms to print and fill out on your own, with how-to instructions for completing and filing. When filing your case, make sure a copy of the petition, summons, and other papers you are filing are delivered to the person you are filing the case against "the other party" in a legally correct way. #3201EN
How to Format Court Documents
When you give documents to a Washington state court, it is important to format the documents correctly. This document outlines the rules you must follow. #9938EN
Serve the other party in a family law case
Blank forms to print and fill out on your own, with how-to instructions for completing and filing. When filing your case, make sure a copy of the petition, summons, and other papers you are filing are delivered to the person you are filing the case against "the other party" in a legally correct way. #3201EN
Tips for phone and video hearings
How to get ready for and conduct yourself during a remote hearing (over the phone or by video-conference). #9961EN
Interpreters for People with Limited English Proficiency
Read this if you live in Washington, English is not your first language and you have trouble speaking or understanding English easily. Help may be available. #8902EN
File for a Protection Order
This is a Washington Forms Online interview. Self-help court forms and instructions on LawHelp Interactive to file for a protection order. Completes forms for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, anti-harassment, and vulnerable adult protection orders. (Available in English and Spanish.) #3701EN
Getting ready for a trial
Tips on how to prepare for and how to conduct yourself at trial. #3210EN