Hide your address from a stalker or abuser

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Authored By: Northwest Justice Project

If you're a survivor of abuse, sexual assault, trafficking, stalking, or (if you're an election worker or criminal justice system worker) felony harassment, you can enroll in a state-run program to keep your address from the person who's been abusing, stalking or harassing you. #3706EN

Please Note:

If you don't live in Washington state, check Victim Connect to see if your state has an Address Confidentiality Program.

Part 1. The Basics

Yes, you should read this if you live in Washington State and you're a survivor of abuse, sexual assault, trafficking, stalking, or, in some cases, felony harassment. If any of these describes you, you may want to keep your address from the person who's been abusing, stalking, or harassing you.

The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP), run by Washington State, can give you a safe address for getting mail and legal papers. This can help keep you safe from the person who's targeting you.

* If you enroll in the ACP, you must let the program know about any change of address. If you plan to move, you must let the ACP know in writing and you must sign your name. You cannot make address changes by phone or email.

Read this to learn if you can enroll in the ACP, how to enroll, who else you can enroll, how the ACP works, and how long you can be in the ACP.

Yes, if you live in Washington State and all of these are true:

  • You're a survivor of actual or threatened domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, or stalking; or you're an election worker or criminal justice system worker who has been a target of felony harassment.
  • You move to a place unknown to the perpetrator

It is highly recommended that your move be to a place out of public records, if possible. But this isn't necessary for you to be able to take part in the ACP.

Yes. They can be in the ACP with you. This is true even if they're not related to you.

The ACP will give you a legal substitute address and a mail-forwarding service. You can use this substitute address on public records. You can also use the substitute address for personal use, just like any new address.

It is recommended that you use the ACP address for all purposes. This will make it less likely that your home address can be found.

Any mail for you will go to the substitute address. The ACP operates the substitute address. The ACP team will then forward your mail to your actual address.

Your ACP address will be a P.O. Box number, followed by a Personal Mailbox number (PMB).

Every ACP participant gets the same P.O. Box number, but a unique PMB. All ACP addresses are "located" in Olympia, WA (Thurston County).

When you give your ACP address out, you must always include your PMB. If you don't, your mail won't be deliverable.

Here are some examples of places where you should use your new PO Box and PMB. This isn't a complete list:

  • Court papers
  • Utility companies
  • School
  • Doctor's office
  • Bank
  • DSHS and/or other social services

You cannot sign up on your own. An ACP approved Application Assistant must help you apply. Most application assistants work for the local domestic violence agency.

You can find a list of Application Assistants at Address Confidentiality Program-How to Apply. If your county has no Application Assistants, try a county near you.

The ACP can help. It doesn't by itself guarantee your safety. If used correctly, it can be a valuable part of an overall safety plan. It's not a safety plan all by itself.

You should talk with an advocate about making a thorough safety plan. To find one nearest you, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

* StrongHearts Native Helpline is a peer support service of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. You can communicate with someone 24/7 by texting or calling 1-844-7NATIVE (1-844-762-8483) or through the online chat at strongheartshelpline.org.

Your enrollment will last 4 years. You can renew at the end of the 4-year term.

Almost all. The ACP forwards all first-class mail. This includes all registered and certified mail, all personal mail, bills, cards, letters, bank checks, and so on.  

The ACP cannot forward packages, magazines, or junk mail.

Part 2. Potential issues

No. You must let the ACP know your new address in writing with your signature as soon as you can before you move.

Yes, but carefully read the information you get about voter registration information and ACP-specific voting forms when you sign up for the ACP.

You shouldn't register to vote online or at any government office (such as the Department of Licensing, the Department of Social and Health Services, or the Health Benefits Exchange Office).

You can withdraw from the ACP at any time. Your withdrawal must be in writing, signed, and mailed or faxed to the ACP.

Yes. If you show them the authorization card ACP sends you after you enroll, agencies must accept the ACP substitute address as an actual address. They cannot make you give them your actual addresses.

* Some private companies and federal agencies like Social Security may not accept your ACP address. If that happens, you could use a friend's address or the domestic violence shelter's address. Make sure you get permission first.

Yes. The ACP accepts legal mail.

When the ACP receives service on your behalf, it's treated as if you received service. But your ACP address cannot be used to accomplish personal service, so original service of process must be accomplished another way.

Be aware that being enrolled in ACP can shorten how much time you may have to respond to legal matters. Since documents that the court or an opposing party may send you first go to your ACP address and then are forwarded to your actual address, your mail can be delayed.

If you're involved in any kind of court case, check your mail regularly.

Yes, but only if there's a signed court order requiring it or a written request by a law enforcement agency's chief officer.

If your abuser is in law enforcement, make sure your ACP application says so. Then your actual address can only be released with a signed court order.

No. You must accept all mail forwarded to you by the ACP. If you refuse your mail, the State may end your participation in the program.

Yes, and you should speak with a domestic violence advocate about your options before enrolling in the ACP. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233.

  1. Getting your own P.O. Box
    • You can get a P.O. Box of your own in a location that won't easily give away your physical address. But remember that P.O. Boxes cost money.
    • If you want the P.O. Box to be convenient, your abuser may be able to figure out where you live. In smaller towns, this could be a problem.
  2. Using a friend of family member's address
    • Be aware that this solution may put your friend or family member at risk if you think your abuser will target them.
    • Also, your friend or family member could move and not tell you.

You can visit the ACP's website at Address Confidentiality Program. Interpreters provided.

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Last Review and Update: May 09, 2024
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