My Manufactured/Mobile Home Park Landlord just Gave Me a 20-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate

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Authored By: Northwest Justice Project

If you live in a manufactured/mobile home park and just got a notice from your park landlord saying you must comply or vacate. Learn what this notice is and what you should do about it. #6504EN

Please Note:

* Read this only if you live in the state of Washington.

*Eviction law continues to change. Read about the latest changes to eviction laws.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, if you own your manufactured/mobile home and rent a space where two or more manufactured/mobile homes and/or permanently installed RVs or trailers are renting spaces.

  • A manufactured/mobile home park is any land rented out for two or more manufactured/mobile homes and/or permanently installed RVs or trailers.
  • What this notice is
  • Whether the landlord gave you the right notice
  • Whether the landlord gave the notice to you correctly
  • What to do if you get this notice from your landlord
  • What you can do to respond

It is a written warning from your landlord. A landlord who believes that you broke the rental agreement or park rules, other than not paying rent, must give you this type of notice.
The notice must clearly explain how you broke the rental agreement or rules. You then have 20 days to stop breaking the agreement or rules.
Example: Your lease states that people who are not listed on the lease cannot stay for more than one week. Your landlord might give you a 20-Day Notice, stating you have “unauthorized occupants.” You would then have 20 days to ask your guest to leave, or else your landlord may file an eviction lawsuit against you.
The landlord must win an eviction lawsuit against you and get a judge to sign an order directing the sheriff to evict you.
If you fix the problem within 20 days of getting the notice, your landlord should stop the eviction process.

Yes. Your landlord (or their employee or another adult) can “personally serve” you at home by handing the notice to you. The landlord cannot give someone else in your home a copy of the notice. If you are not home, the landlord can tape it on your door, but then they must also mail a copy. The landlord cannot text, email, or verbally give you this notice.

  • The notice does not have to be notarized.

You should respond in writing to the landlord within 20 days, saying you disagree, and then try to talk to a lawyer right away. See contact information below.

Maybe. If your landlord is trying to evict you for violating the rental agreement or park rules, you and your landlord must first go to mediation. This is a less formal meeting with an unbiased third party to try to resolve your disagreement. The mediator is not a judge. The mediator will try to help the two of you come to an agreement.
Your landlord should submit your dispute to mediation within five days of the notice. If your landlord does not make a real effort to try to resolve the matter this way, that may be your defense to an eviction lawsuit.

If the landlord still wants to evict you, the landlord must file an eviction lawsuit in court, called “Unlawful Detainer.” That is the name for the court process to evict tenants. It is a very fast process. If you are served with a notice or other legal papers, contact a lawyer right away. See contact information below. Read Eviction and Your Defense.
You may be evicted for getting too many 20-Day Notices.
If your landlord serves 3 of these 20-day notices within a 12-month period, your landlord may evict you for this reason alone. If you have gotten more than one 20-Day Notice, contact a lawyer right away.

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Last Review and Update: Dec 14, 2020
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