Search results for alternative service
Interpreters for People with Limited English Proficiency
Read this if you live in Washington, English is not your first language and you have trouble speaking or understanding English easily. Help may be available. #8902EN
What if I am being sued in Washington State and I live out-of-state?
Provides general info for people who live outside Washington AND have been served with a petition or complaint filed with a court in Washington State. #9928EN
Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITH Children in Washington State
If you have children and are considering getting a divorce, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3240EN
Guardian Ad Litem Report: The basics and how to respond
If you're fighting about a parenting plan in a family law case in a Washington court, read this to learn what a guardian ad litem does, why the report matters, and how to respond to a report when its recommendations don't help you. #3111EN