Search results for alternative service
Tailored Supports for Older Adults (TSOA) and Medicaid Alternative Care (MAC) programs
TSOA and MAC are Medicaid programs. TSOA and MAC provide free services to unpaid caregivers who are taking care of family members who are at least 55 years old. #5171EN
Applying for Medicaid for Long-Term Care
People who need help paying for long-term services and supports (LTSS) often wonder when they should file an application for assistance from the Home and Community Services Division (HCS) of the Department of Social and Health Services. This pamphlet discusses the timing of the application process. #5106EN
Estate recovery for long-term care services paid for by the State
If the state pays for your long-term care services, then the state can sometimes collect some of the things you own when you die to get back some or all of what it paid for. Read this to learn more. #5172EN
Interpreters for People with Limited English Proficiency
Read this if you live in Washington, English is not your first language and you have trouble speaking or understanding English easily. Help may be available. #8902EN
How do I appeal the denial of my unemployment benefits to Superior Court?
This explains Superior court review of an administrative decision relating to unemployment benefits. If you lose your claim at the administrative hearing, you have another level of administrative review. It is called a “Petition for Review.” #7602EN
How to represent yourself at an unemployment benefits hearing
If you lost your job, applied for unemployment benefits, and were turned down, you can appeal. If you were awarded unemployment benefits, your former employer can appeal. Read this to learn how to represent yourself at the hearing on an appeal. #7600EN