Search results for alternative service

Alternatives to Guardianship: Supported Decision Making Agreements (SDM)

Learn more about this alternative to guardianship that helps people with disabilities without limiting their rights. #3306EN

Plan for someone else to care for your child if you can't

Parents: You can say what you want to happen if you're not available to care for your child under age 18, or their property. Without going to court, you can give Power of Attorney (POA) for Parental Powers to the person who will care for your child. You might need this if you’ll be temporarily unavailable. For example, you might be worried about deportation, going to jail or prison, deployed by the military, or getting long-term medical treatment. Power of Attorney for Parents is a free, effective alternative to Minor Guardianship that takes much less time when everyone agrees.#3105EN

Protecting elders and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect

Read about the different types of abuse that frail elders and vulnerable adults are protected from under the law. #9920EN

Child Protective Services (CPS) and Dependency Actions

Read this if you're involved with CPS in Washington State. If CPS asks you to sign a Voluntary Placement Agreement (a VPA), you can get free legal advice from a lawyer right away by calling the VPA hotline at (833) 240-9746, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone interpreter services available.#3120EN

Child Support and License Suspension

If you fall behind in your child support payments, you might lose your drivers or other license. Read this to learn how to keep this from happening and what you can do if your license does get suspended. #3809EN

Contempt of Court: When the other person in your case won’t follow a court order

General information about Washington law on contempt in family law cases. It covers only the type of contempt most common to family law cases, called “coercive civil contempt.” Find out how to have a person who is violating a court order obey that order in the future. #3107EN

Parentage and Parenting Plans

Learn the laws that apply when you have a child and you are not married to or in a registered domestic partnership with the child’s other parent. #3601EN

Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITH Children in Washington State

If you have children and are considering getting a divorce, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3240EN

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