Search results for gender change
How do I change the gender on my immigration documents?
Instructions for changing gender marker on immigration documents. #8915EN Notice: As of January 27, 2025 the information related to federal ID rights and sex/gender on federal records is changing rapidly. The information included on this page is being updated to reflect those changes. Corrected up to date versions will be published to this page as soon as possible. You might not be permitted to change your gender on your immigration documents since the federal changes. You should talk to your immigration lawyer right away.
How do I change the sex or gender on my Passport?
You can no longer change the sex that is on your Passport. These are historic instructions for how to change the sex or gender marker on a passport. #8914EN. Important Notice: As of January 27, 2025 the information related to federal ID rights and sex/gender on federal records is changing rapidly. The information included on this page is being updated to reflect those changes. Corrected up to date versions will be published to this page as soon as possible. All current passport applications that included a request to change the sex or gender have been suspended. No further requests will be processed for sex changes on Passports at this time. This information will be updated if the State department begins to issue sex or gender changes to Passports again. Until that time this information is for historic reference purposes only.
Can I change the sex or gender on my birth certificate?
Instructions about how to change the sex or gender that is listed on your birth certificate. This can help you if you were born in Washington or born somewhere else but live in Washington. This is usually called asking for a "vital records amendment". Publication #8913EN. Notice: As of January 27, 2025 the information related to federal ID rights and sex/gender on federal records is changing rapidly. The information included on this page is being updated to reflect those changes. Corrected up to date versions will be published to this page as soon as possible. U.S. State department policies have changed regarding federal records including birth certificates issued abroad and Consular Report of Birth records. You can no longer ask to change your sex or gender on these records.
How do I change the sex or gender on all my IDs?
Instructions for changing the sex or gender markers on Washington State IDs and driver’s licenses, birth certificates, Social Security cards, U.S. passports, Tribal IDs, and immigration documents. #8910EN Notice: The information related to federal ID rights and sex/gender on federal records is changing rapidly. The information included on this page is being updated to reflect those changes. Corrected up to date versions will be published to this page as soon as possible. The recent federal changes impact many kinds of IDs including Passports, Social Security records, military records and others. There is now a ban on changing sex on Passports for all Americans. As of January 31, 2025: The right to change sex on your Social Security record remains, but doing so is now procedurally impossible due to federal changes. If you ask to change the sex on your Social Security record, you will be denied. This current federal SSA directive lasts until July 31, 2025.
How do I change the sex or gender that is on my Social Security card and record?
Instructions for changing the sex identification (also called gender marker) on your social security card and record. #8911EN. Important Notice: As of January 31, 2025 the information related to federal ID rights and sex/gender on federal records is changing rapidly. The information included on this page is being updated to reflect those changes. Corrected up to date versions will be published to this page as soon as possible. While the right to change sex on your Social Security record remains, it is now procedurally impossible due to federal changes. If you ask to change the sex on your Social Security record, you will be denied. This current federal SSA directive lasts until July 31, 2025.
Name Change Guide for all types of name changes in Washington state (including transgender and gender related name changes)
This guide explains how to change your name by court order in Washington. It can be used if you need a name change for any reason including for reasons related to safety, religion, sex, gender identity, transgender status, immigration status, marital status or other reasons. There are two kinds of name changes in Washington. Name changes that are not sealed and name changes that are sealed. This has information for both kinds. This has instructions for a non-sealed name change in District Court. It also has instructions and forms for a sealed name change in Superior Court. In most situations for either kind of name change, it is a simple process you can do by yourself, without a lawyer. #3400EN
My landlord is discriminating against me
Read this to learn what your options are. #6324EN
My Landlord Just Gave me a 20-Day Notice
If you rent the place where you live and you got a 20-Day Notice from your landlord, learn what that is and what you should do about it. #6355EN
Washington’s Non-Parent Visitation Rights
Learn how and when certain non-parent relatives can file for non-parent visitation with a child. #3152EN
Now that you have a U Visa: Warnings, rights and responsibilities
Read this if you already have a U Visa. #8130EN
Landlords must give a “good” reason to end certain tenancies
Learn more about how landlords can now evict or refuse to renew a rental agreement for specific reasons only. #6345EN
I lost my job. Do I have rights?
Read this for help deciding if your termination was illegal, if your employer owes you anything or you owe your employer anything, and how to assert your rights. #2102EN
How is child support set?
An explanation of Washington State’s child support laws and how child support is set. We go over key parts of the state Child Support Schedule. #3816EN