Search results for legal separation

File for Legal Separation with Children

Brief instructions and the forms to file for legal separation with children in Washington state. #3268EN

Legal Separation: General Info

Learn about the difference between getting a divorce and a legal separation and why people might choose a one over the other. #3253EN

Changing Your Legal Separation to a Divorce

If you've changed your mind about your legal separation and you want to get a divorce OR you want to get back together with your spouse, use these forms and instructions. #3252EN

File for Legal Separation without Children

Brief instructions and the forms to file for legal separation without children in Washington state. #3269EN

Unmarried Couples: Washington Parenting Law

Basic information about Washington State law that applies to parenting when unmarried couples separate. #3912EN

Divorce and bankruptcy

If you're getting a divorce and you have a lot of debt, you might want to file for bankruptcy with your spouse, or separately. Read this to learn more. #0102EN

Divorce: The Basics

General information about getting divorced in Washington state. #3200EN

Getting a divorce: Dividing property and debts

Find out what it means for your Washington divorce that this is a "community property" state. #3243EN

Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITHOUT Children in Washington State

If you have no children and want to get a divorce or dissolution of domestic partnership, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3241EN

Pregnancy and Divorce

For people getting a divorce in Washington State while one of the spouses is pregnant. #3236EN

Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITH Children in Washington State

If you have children and are considering getting a divorce, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3240EN

File a Notice of Appearance

If you are served with a lawsuit, file a Notice of Appearance (NOA) to tell the other party and the court that you want to defend yourself in the case, and you want to get notice if anything else happens in the case. #9931EN

Divorcing someone in the military: Basic questions and answers

Learn about additional legal protections service members who are divorcing have. This is for both the service member and the non-service member. #3216EN

Living Together Contracts

Read this if you are part of a Washington couple who cannot or decide not to marry or be registered domestic partners.Publication #3909EN

Plan for someone else to care for your child if you can't

Parents: You can say what you want to happen if you're not available to care for your child under age 18, or their property. Without going to court, you can give Power of Attorney (POA) for Parental Powers to the person who will care for your child. You might need this if you’ll be temporarily unavailable. For example, you might be worried about deportation, going to jail or prison, deployed by the military, or getting long-term medical treatment. Power of Attorney for Parents is a free, effective alternative to Minor Guardianship that takes much less time when everyone agrees.#3105EN

Durable power of attorney

A power of attorney form lets you choose a trusted friend or relative to help you with your finances and/or health care decisions. #9608EN

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