Search results for vacation
My Landlord Just Gave Me a 10-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate
If you rent the place where you live and you got a 10-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate from your landlord, learn what that is and what you should do about it. #6354EN
My landlord just gave me a 14-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Vacate
If you rent the place where you live and you got a 14-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Vacate from your landlord, learn what that is and what you should do about it. #6353EN
My landlord threatened to evict me
If you rent the place where you live and your landlord just threatened to evict you, read this to learn what to do. #6349EN
I live in a manufactured/mobile home park. Can the park owner/landlord change the park rules?
If you own your mobile home but rent the space it sits on, learn more about mobile/manufactured home park rules and whether/when/how the landlord can change them. #6514EN
My Landlord Just Gave me a 20-Day Notice
If you rent the place where you live and you got a 20-Day Notice from your landlord, learn what that is and what you should do about it. #6355EN
I lost my job. Does my employer still owe me anything? Do I owe them anything?
If your employer let you go, read this to find out what rights you may have. #2104EN
Your rights as a tenant in Washington State
Explains residential tenants and landlords' rights and responsibilities in Washington. #6300EN
Changing a Parenting Plan or Child Custody Order
Learn more about when and how you can change the final court order awarding custody and visitation of your children. This order might be a Custody Decree or Order, Residential Schedule, or Parenting Plan. #3104EN
I lost my job. Do I have rights?
Read this for help deciding if your termination was illegal, if your employer owes you anything or you owe your employer anything, and how to assert your rights. #2102EN