Search results for vacation
My Landlord Just Gave Me a 10-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate
If you rent the place where you live and you got a 10-Day Notice to Comply or Vacate from your landlord, learn what that is and what you should do about it. #6354EN
I lost my job. Does my employer still owe me anything? Do I owe them anything?
If your employer let you go, read this to find out what rights you may have. #2104EN
Your rights as a tenant in Washington State
Explains residential tenants and landlords' rights and responsibilities in Washington. #6300EN
Can I get Charity Care benefits to pay for my hospital bill?
Federal and state laws require hospitals to provide you certain types of medical care for free or at a reduced cost if you cannot afford to pay for the medical treatment. Charity Care covers “medically necessary” treatment, including inpatient hospital stays and emergency room visits. #5909EN