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Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program

1104 Main St., Plaza One Vancouver, WA 98660

(360) 695-5313

Getting Your Paperwork Ready So You Can Get Help with Your Family Law Case

Find out what paperwork and information you can get together for your appointment with the attorney, paralegal, volunteer or domestic violence shelter staff who will help you with your family law case. #3130EN

Can I change the date my rent is due?

You can now ask your landlord to change the date your rent is due. Learn why you might want to do this, and how to do it. #6343EN

What can I buy and still be eligible for SSI and/or Medicaid?

To qualify for SSI or Medicaid, you can only have a certain amount of money or property (“resources”). Read this to learn how you can buy certain things to get to an amount where you qualify. #5107EN

Will money from a lawsuit affect my SSI and/or Medicaid?

SSI and Medicaid have a limit on how much money you can have in cash on hand or in a bank account. Read this to find out more about your options if you get SSI and/or Medicaid and then you win money in a lawsuit. #7502EN

Am I eligible for Social Security benefits if there is a warrant out for my arrest or I violated parole or probation?

Social Security will consider you a fleeing felon and ineligible to get their benefits if you have an outstanding arrest warrant specifically for fleeing prosecution or confinement on a felony charge. Read this to learn more. #7405EN

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