Search results for vacation
How do I sue in Small Claims Court?
In Small Claims Court, you can sue for up to $10,000. This is meant to be a quick, cheap way to resolve a dispute you could not otherwise settle. It is not complicated. Lawyers generally cannot take part. There are no juries, motions or objections. There is only a small charge for filing a lawsuit. You can get a trial date much sooner than in other courts. Most trials last about 20 minutes. #9940EN
Enforcing your Final Divorce Order: Money and Property Issues
How to make sure your ex-spouse follows your final divorce order, and how to collect the money or property your ex must pay or give you. #3234EN
Can I get Charity Care benefits to pay for my hospital bill?
Federal and state laws require hospitals to provide you certain types of medical care for free or at a reduced cost if you cannot afford to pay for the medical treatment. Charity Care covers “medically necessary” treatment, including inpatient hospital stays and emergency room visits. #5909EN
Supplemental Proceedings
If a creditor has a judgment ordered by a court and wants to collect the money from you, you may get an order to attend a Supplemental Proceedings court hearing. #0210EN
Am I eligible for Social Security benefits if there is a warrant out for my arrest or I violated parole or probation?
Social Security will consider you a fleeing felon and ineligible to get their benefits if you have an outstanding arrest warrant specifically for fleeing prosecution or confinement on a felony charge. Read this to learn more. #7405EN
I lost my job. Do I have rights?
Read this for help deciding if your termination was illegal, if your employer owes you anything or you owe your employer anything, and how to assert your rights. #2102EN
Parentage and Parenting Plans
Learn the laws that apply when you have a child and you are not married to or in a registered domestic partnership with the child’s other parent. #3601EN