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About Washington Law Help

Washington Law Help is a guide to free civil legal services for low-income persons and seniors in Washington. This site provides legal education materials and tools that give you basic information on a number of legal problems, and in some cases, detailed instructions and forms to help you represent yourself in court. You can also locate information on free legal aid programs in Washington, including basic eligibility and contact information.

This website is maintained by staff at the Northwest Justice Project (NJP). NJP is a not-for-profit statewide organization that provides free civil legal services to low-income people from 18 offices throughout the state of Washington. Each year, NJP assists thousands of people in need of critical legal assistance.

This website is one of many state LawHelp websites which is made possible through a grant from the Legal Services Corporation

The LawHelp website platform was created and is maintained by Pro Bono Net (PBN), a national nonprofit founded in 1999 whose mission is to bring the power of the law to all through technology and collaboration. Pro Bono Net's programs equip individuals with solutions to life-changing legal issues and transform how the civil justice sector collaborates to tackle justice problems.

For questions or more information about Washington Law Help, fill out our Contact Form.


Civil Legal Aid in Washington State


"...and justice for all" Civil Legal Aid in Washington State from Office of Civil Legal Aid on Vimeo.


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