DSHS programs and problems

Know Your Rights

Other Public Problems

Estate recovery for long-term care services paid for by the State

If the state pays for your long-term care services, then the state can sometimes collect some of the things you own when you die to get back some or all of what it paid for. Read this to learn more. #5172EN

Exception to Rule (ETR): DSHS Programs

The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) can give you some benefits even if you do not meet all their requirements. This is an “exception to a rule” or “ETR.” #7101EN

How to Petition for Superior Court Review - Administrative Decision Relating to Public Benefits

If you appealed an agency decision about your public benefits and lost your administrative hearing, you can appeal the administrative law judge's decision. This packet explains when and how to do so, and has forms you can use. Packet #7917EN

Representing yourself at an administrative hearing

If the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or Health Care Authority (HCA) threatens to end or reduce the assistance you get from them, read this to learn more about how you can appeal the agency's decision. #7910EN

When DSHS or DCYF thinks you made an intentional program violation

Answers to common questions and important information that you should know if you are being accused of intentionally violating a public assistance program rule (sometimes called welfare fraud). #7116EN

Your Rights Dealing with DSHS

Read about what services you can get from DSHS and what your rights are when dealing with this state agency. #7900EN.

DSHS and HCA Overpayments: What is “Equitable Estoppel”?

Read this if DSHS or HCA sends you a notice saying you owe them money (an overpayment) because they gave you benefits they should not have and the overpayment was not your fault, and you cannot afford to repay it. #7912EN

Fighting an overpayment of cash or medical assistance

Use this when DSHS or HCA tells you they gave you too much cash or medical assistance. #7104EN

When DSHS or DCYF thinks you made an intentional program violation

Answers to common questions and important information that you should know if you are being accused of intentionally violating a public assistance program rule (sometimes called welfare fraud). #7116EN

DSHS Help for People with Disabilities: Necessary Supplemental Accommodations

If you get DSHS benefits, such as TANF, SFA, Disability Lifeline, Medicaid, or food assistance, DSHS must accommodate your disabilities. This means that DSHS must try to make their services and benefits available to you to the same extent that they are available to people without a disability. #7151EN

How to ask for a reasonable accommodation of your disability from OAH

If you need to go to an administrative hearing, OAH may need to change the way it handles the hearing or contacts you to make sure you have the same chance to take part in your hearing as someone without disabilities. Read this to learn how to ask them to do that.. #8406EN

Your Rights Dealing with DSHS

Read about what services you can get from DSHS and what your rights are when dealing with this state agency. #7900EN.

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