Can I change the date my rent is due?
You can now ask your landlord to change the date your rent is due. Learn why you might want to do this, and how to do it. #6343EN
Disability Rights Washington Resources
Disability Rights Washington (DRW) is a private, non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. This site has links to many resources.
How to request a disability accommodation as a tenant
You can also use this to request an accommodation from your condo or homeowners association. #8408EN
Special Education Issues: Things parents and caregivers can do
Short explanation of options for parents, families and students having problems with special education. #1300EN
Video - Filing an ADA Complaint: A Video in ASL
This short video focuses on Title II and Title III of Americans with Disabilities Act which guarantee access to government agencies and services, and businesses open to the public. The ADA prohibits all of these places from discriminating against people with disabilities.
Your child with disabilities is turning 18
You may be concerned about what happens to your child who is unable to care for themselves when they turn 18. Read this to learn about some of your options. #3303EN
Your child with disabilities is turning 18
You may be concerned about what happens to your child who is unable to care for themselves when they turn 18. Read this to learn about some of your options. #3303EN
DSHS Help for People with Disabilities: Necessary Supplemental Accommodations
If you get DSHS benefits, such as TANF, SFA, Disability Lifeline, Medicaid, or food assistance, DSHS must accommodate your disabilities. This means that DSHS must try to make their services and benefits available to you to the same extent that they are available to people without a disability. #7151EN
How to ask for a reasonable accommodation of your disability from OAH
If you need to go to an administrative hearing, OAH may need to change the way it handles the hearing or contacts you to make sure you have the same chance to take part in your hearing as someone without disabilities. Read this to learn how to ask them to do that.. #8406EN
Is my pet also a service animal?
Very few animals will qualify as service animals. Read this to learn more about who qualifies and why it matters.#8405EN