Search results for alternative service

Protecting elders and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect

Read about the different types of abuse that frail elders and vulnerable adults are protected from under the law. #9920EN

Child Protective Services (CPS) and Dependency Actions

Read this if you're involved with CPS in Washington State. If CPS asks you to sign a Voluntary Placement Agreement (a VPA), you can get free legal advice from a lawyer right away by calling the VPA hotline at (833) 240-9746, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone interpreter services available.#3120EN

Hide your address from a stalker or abuser

If you're a survivor of abuse, sexual assault, trafficking, stalking, or (if you're an election worker or criminal justice system worker) felony harassment, you can enroll in a state-run program to keep your address from the person who's been abusing, stalking or harassing you. #3706EN

Interpreters for People with Limited English Proficiency

Read this if you live in Washington, English is not your first language and you have trouble speaking or understanding English easily. Help may be available. #8902EN

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