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When you lose your Aged Blind Disabled (ABD) benefits for medical reasons
The ABD program provides income and medical coverage if you are a citizen or eligible immigrant, you have income and resources within Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) rules, and you are "disabled." "Disabled" means you are unable to work due to physical or mental conditions (or both) that either have lasted or are expected to last at least nine months. #7811EN
How to fight a denial or termination of eligibility for the Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) referral program for medical reasons
Learn more about this program, which provides non-cash help for people who are unable to work. #7813EN
I applied for benefits. DSHS said no.
Read this for what to do if you apply for cash, food stamps, medical, or child care assistance from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) but they turn you down. #7100EN
How to fight a termination or reduction of DSHS public assistance
This explains your rights if DSHS tells you it will stop (terminate) or cut back (reduce) the cash, food stamps, medical, or child care assistance they have been giving you. The most important thing to know is that you must ask for an administrative hearing soon, usually within ten days of DSHS mailing written notice, to keep getting your benefits while you appeal. #7102EN
Am I eligible for Social Security benefits if there is a warrant out for my arrest or I violated parole or probation?
Social Security will consider you a fleeing felon and ineligible to get their benefits if you have an outstanding arrest warrant specifically for fleeing prosecution or confinement on a felony charge. Read this to learn more. #7405EN
How to Petition for Superior Court Review - Administrative Decision Relating to Public Benefits
If you appealed an agency decision about your public benefits and lost your administrative hearing, you can appeal the administrative law judge's decision. This packet explains when and how to do so, and has forms you can use. Packet #7917EN