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WorkFirst: The Basics

If you want to get TANF, you will probably have to work or do "work activity." Read this to learn more. #7126EN

I am going to jail or prison. What about my Social Security and health care?

Do you need to let Social Security know you're going to be incarcerated? What will happen to your Medicare while you're in jail? Get the answers to these and other questions. #5190EN

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): The Basics

TANF is the welfare program that gives cash grants to needy families. Read this to learn if you are eligible to get TANF and what is required of you if you get TANF. #7123EN

Washington Public Assistance for Refugees and Other Humanitarian Entrants

(Includes Refugees, Asylees, Persons Granted Withholding of Deportation, Cuban-Haitian Entrants and Special Immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan) #7932EN

Washington public assistance for immigrant victims of domestic violence

This will tell you what benefits you may be eligible for if you are an immigrant and a victim of domestic violence. If you have a different immigration status, please read one of our other publications on this topic. #7924EN

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