Search results for representing yourself in court

Representing yourself at an administrative hearing

If the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or Health Care Authority (HCA) threatens to end or reduce the assistance you get from them, read this to learn more about how you can appeal the agency's decision. #7910EN

How to represent yourself at an unemployment benefits hearing

If you lost your job, applied for unemployment benefits, and were turned down, you can appeal. If you were awarded unemployment benefits, your former employer can appeal. Read this to learn how to represent yourself at the hearing on an appeal. #7600EN

Adult Protective Services (APS): Investigations and Findings

Adult Protective Services (APS) is a statewide government agency. It is part of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). APS investigators respond to reports of possible abuse or neglect of vulnerable adults who live in their own homes or in a facility where there is an allegation of mistreatment by someone who is not an employee of the facility. #2940EN

CPS Investigations and Findings

CPS findings of abuse or neglect can keep you from working or volunteering with children, developmentally delayed adults, or the elderly for the rest of your life. Learn about your rights and responsibilities when CPS makes a finding against you. #2950EN

Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITHOUT Children in Washington State

If you have no children and want to get a divorce or dissolution of domestic partnership, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3241EN

I am age 12 – 17. What are my rights in a minor guardianship case?

If you are a teen and someone has filed to have a court appoint a guardian for you, or you think you need a guardian, read this. #4402EN

Protecting your Section 8 Voucher

A detailed explanation of your responsibilities under the Section 8 Voucher program, and what rights you have if the Housing Authority (HA) tries to cut off your voucher. #6113EN

Adult guardianship, conservatorship and other protective arrangements

Learn about what adult guardianship is and some alternatives to guardianship. #3300EN

HUD Housing Evictions

Learn about the additional protections you have if you live in certain HUD-subsidized buildings or rental units, and what you can do to avoid an eviction. #6103EN

Divorce and Other Options for Ending Your Marriage WITH Children in Washington State

If you have children and are considering getting a divorce, read this first. This does not include court forms but will guide you to the forms you need. #3240EN

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): The Basics

TANF is the welfare program that gives cash grants to needy families. Read this to learn if you are eligible to get TANF and what is required of you if you get TANF. #7123EN

Child Support and License Suspension

If you fall behind in your child support payments, you might lose your drivers or other license. Read this to learn how to keep this from happening and what you can do if your license does get suspended. #3809EN

When you lose your Aged Blind Disabled (ABD) benefits for medical reasons

The ABD program provides income and medical coverage if you are a citizen or eligible immigrant, you have income and resources within Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) rules, and you are "disabled." "Disabled" means you are unable to work due to physical or mental conditions (or both) that either have lasted or are expected to last at least nine months. #7811EN

How to work with GALS and parenting evaluators

If you are involved in a divorce, parentage, or petition to change parenting plan case where the other parent does not agree with you, the court may appoint a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) or Parenting Evaluator. Here are some tips to help you work successfully with the GAL. #3106EN

Enforcing your Final Divorce Order: Money and Property Issues

How to make sure your ex-spouse follows your final divorce order, and how to collect the money or property your ex must pay or give you. #3234EN

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