Search results for vacation
How to File a Motion to Vacate Judgment/Order in a Family Law Case
You can use this packet in certain situations to the court to withdraw a previous order or judgment it entered. Read this to learn more. #3215EN
Getting Your Paperwork Ready So You Can Get Help with Your Family Law Case
Find out what paperwork and information you can get together for your appointment with the attorney, paralegal, volunteer or domestic violence shelter staff who will help you with your family law case. #3130EN
Changing a Parenting Plan or Child Custody Order
Learn more about when and how you can change the final court order awarding custody and visitation of your children. This order might be a Custody Decree or Order, Residential Schedule, or Parenting Plan. #3104EN
Parentage and Parenting Plans
Learn the laws that apply when you have a child and you are not married to or in a registered domestic partnership with the child’s other parent. #3601EN